Sunday, October 17, 2010


I live a pretty busy life, as I'm sure you also do. A full time student, working 25 hours a week, leading youth group and trying to have a social life doesn't exactly leave much down time.

Calhoun describes the spiritual discipline of slowing as, "one way to overcome inner hurriedness and addiction to busyness. Through slowing, the sacrament of the present moment is tasted to the full." In my go go go lifestyle, I don't often pause. I feel as though I hardly have the time to think about what I'm doing!

As I began to try to implement slowing into my lifestyle, I found myself thinking that it wasn't going to be a good thing. Slowing meant stopping whatever "productive" thing I was doing. I felt lazy. I had to talk myself back into trying again. And I'm glad that I did, because after I got over my initial feelings about it, I enjoyed it. My anxiousness was halted through slowing. God blessed me by showing me that I can slow down. Slowing allowed me to process what I was doing. It allowed me to appreciate the things that God has planned for my life right now.

"Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

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