Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fighting for Joy

Gratitude is the spiritual discipline that I chose to focus on this week. It's not something that I think about a lot to be honest. I take a lot for granted and can be pessimistic at times. One thing that continued to come up throughout the week was the cross. Even though there are some difficult things going on in my life right now, there is never a reason to feel so defeated. There is never a reason to act like Christ's sacrifice didn't accomplish anything.
Praying to God about my current hardships made me feel vulnerable. Why, I don't know, because I know that He can hear my every thought and knows how I feel anyways. I recognized that I struggle with praying completely honestly at times, because I leave out things. I have found it very helpful to write down my prayers if I am able. When praying to God to help me see the good in some difficult situations, they are often long prayers. It really helped me to keep my focus, and I look forward to going back and reading them later in life to see how I have grown and what God blessed me with through those situations.
Through it all, I have come to the conclusion that there is never a time when I have nothing to be thankful to God for. As I said before, the cross was on my mind frequently. When I took myself out of my situation and reflected on God and His goodness I found joy. I found comfort and peace. My mind was able to stop focusing on the difficult areas of my life and simply be in awe of God and all that He has done.

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