Sunday, October 31, 2010

Power in Prayer

I chose prayer walking as my spiritual discipline for the week. It was something that I'd done before, but not taken as seriously as I should have. My original thought was that it would be a really good thing to do going into work, class, etc. And the first time I went to work after selecting prayer walking, I forgot to do it. The next time I remembered, and I plan to continue to do that. However, something unexpected happened that I was able to use prayer walking for this week, and through it God showed me the power of prayer that I had seen before and believed in, yet needed to see again.

A close friend needed prayer, simple as that. As I walked by the room that the friend was in, another friend and myself prayed. We sat in a room near where the friend was, and prayed. We prayed for God's power to come. We prayed specifically, intentionally and with belief that God could do what we were asking. It was amazing. I realize that I'm being vague in this experience, but it almost can't be described in words. It was something that I'd prayed about before. But there was power in this form of prayer that night. Prayers were answered and God's presence was felt. I had never prayed so confidently. There is power in coming before God fully knowing that He can do what you are asking, while at the same time knowing that though He has the power to do what we are asking, He may have something better planned. No, things did not come out perfectly after this experience. But God was evidently working in the situation.

I wasn't expecting this experience in the least bit, but am so blessed that it happened. It has encouraged me to pray more sincerely and whenever I feel a slight tug to prayer. Sometimes it is easy to ignore that tug, but not anymore. If I had ignored that tug this past week I would have missed out on gaining a closeness to the Lord that I needed.

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