Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Faith Like a Child

I wasn't so sure about bringing a sleeping infant into the library so her big sister could play. Just as I expected, the baby awoke shortly after we arrived. As I was watching her older sister play with some new friends, a curious child approached me; she wanted to get a closer look at the baby. She introduced herself to me and from that point on, Maryn was my new best friend. Maryn asked me all kinds of questions about the baby and was entranced by her. Of course, a whole round of questions were asked regarding whether I was the child's mother followed by why I didn't have my own kids. Being a nanny has gotten me quite used to people assuming that I am a mother. It always makes me laugh because even though I am old enough to have my own kids, I always think to myself, "I am too young to have kids!"

Maryn brought an abrupt change to our conversation by informing me that she and her family were moving to Macedonia in just a few days. I asked her why they were moving and this is where the conversation got interesting. Her reply: "We are moving to tell others about Jesus." I was about to tell her how amazing I thought that was when she took hold of the entire conversation. Maryn, a 6 year old girl, sat down with me in a public library and shared the Gospel with me. My heart was warmed by the genuine words flowing out of this child. Her concern for the lost nearly brought me to tears. She expressed that she HAS to go to Macedonia because some people have not heard about Jesus yet; Maryn senses an urgency. She understood what will happen to those who never know Jesus and wasted no time letting me know that. Maryn may never know this, but what I saw in her yesterday sparked a passion in me.

I was able to have a short conversation with Maryn's parents as they prepared to exit the library. I quickly shared with them what their daughter had shared with me and how much it meant to me that she was bold enough to start that conversation with me. This was followed up by a short discussion regarding how effective children are at ministering because they say what is on their heart and many times adults will listen to a child whereas they will disregard an adult saying the very same things. 

As the family began to leave, Maryn ran back to me and gave me a hug. She then asked if I would pray for her. I was humbled and encouraged by this experience. Please join me in praying for Maryn and her family as they prepare to spend at least four years in Macedonia making disciples.

"The Lord protects those of childlike faith" Psalm 116:6